Horizon View – Generating Connection Server Logs
By: Date: June 19, 2020 Categories: Horizon Tags: , ,

The Problem

Like most SysAdmins, occasionally you’ll come across a problem that will leave you head scratching and force you to reach out to the vendor for some assistance. In the case of VMware’s Horizon View, the first step to troubleshooting will be to collect logs from your Collection Brokers!

Background Information

For the sake of this guide, we’ll be collecting logs from my lab environment. My lab is currently running on Windows 2016 Datacenter with Horizon View 7.10.1 installed.


  1. A Local Admin Account on all Connection Brokers.

Gathering Connection Broker Logs

  1. Log into your connection brokers! You’ll want to be logged in using a Local Admin account.
  2. In Windows 2016, you can select the Windows Icon in the bottom left of the screen and navigate to the ‘VMware’ folder.
  3. Run the ‘Generate Horizon 7 Connection Log Bundle.bat’
    • Run 'Generate Horizon View Connection Server Log Bundle.bat'
  4. Shortly after running the .bat, a shell window will open and being collecting the log bundle.
    • Connection Broker Log Bundle Collection
  5. Keep an eye on the process as there are two times where you may be prompted to gather additional logs:
  6. Once the log bundle has been gathered, you’ll notice a new folder on the desktop titled ‘vdm-sdct’. The log bundle can be found here!

At this point, it’s up to you concerning how you’d like to hand VMware the log bundle. If you have only a handful of logs, you may be able to transfer it over to the assigned Support Technican via email. Otherwise, they may direct you to use the VMware Secured FTP Site.

For More Information:

If you’re looking for more information about generating Connection Broker logs from your Horizon View infrastructure, check out the following knowledge base article published by VMware themselves: Collecting VMware Horizon View (VDM) log bundles (1017939).